The Corpus of Written Tatar is being developed by the following people:
- Saykhunov M.R. (Ph.D. in Philology),
- Khusainov R.R. (Engineer),
- Ibragimov T.I. (Ph.D. in Philology),
- Jorma Luutonen (Ph.D., Docent, University of Turku, Finland),
- Salimzyanov I.F. (University of Stuttgart, Germany),
- Shaydullina G.Y. (University of Québec in Montreal, Canada),
- Khusainova A.M. (Innopolis University).
Our partners:
- The Department of Finno-Ugric languages at the Turku University (Finland).
- The editorial office of the popular scientific journal "Фән һәм Тел".
- Republican special library for blind and visually impaired.
- G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art.
- Leipzig Corpora Collection
- Sketch Engine
- Apertium
We express our great gratitude to all those people and organizations that send us various texts in Tatar language for inclusion in the Corpus!